04 | 02 | 2021

Going Green: How Our Paperless Office on AWS WorkDocs is Making a Positive Impact on the Environment

Leading the Way in Sustainability: Our Journey to a Paperless Office on AWS WorkDocs


As a company, we understand the importance of protecting the environment. We demonstrate this commitment by running a paperless office on AWS WorkDocs. By utilising digital document storage and collaboration tools, we can reduce our reliance on paper, which in turn helps to conserve natural resources and lower our carbon footprint. Additionally, utilizing a cloud-based solution like AWS WorkDocs allows us to easily access and share documents with our team, regardless of location, further increasing efficiency and reducing the need for physical travel and transportation. Overall, our use of a paperless office on AWS WorkDocs is just one of the ways we strive to be environmentally responsible and positively impact the planet.

Core Story

Running a paperless office has a number of environmental benefits. First and foremost, it reduces the need for paper production, which in turn helps to conserve natural resources such as trees. Additionally, paper production is a highly energy-intensive process, and by reducing the amount of paper used, a paperless office can also help to lower a company’s carbon footprint. Furthermore, paper usage also generates a significant amount of waste, both in terms of paper itself as well as packaging materials used to transport it. By moving to a paperless office, a company can reduce the amount of waste it generates and help to promote a more sustainable and eco-friendly way of working.

Utilizing a cloud-based solution like AWS WorkDocs to store and share documents also has many benefits in terms of environmental sustainability. By storing documents in the cloud, companies can reduce their need for physical storage space, reducing the need for energy-intensive data centers and the associated cooling and power requirements. Furthermore, cloud-based document storage and collaboration tools also allow teams to easily access and share documents remotely, reducing the need for travel and transportation. This can help to lower a company’s overall carbon footprint, further promoting environmental sustainability.

Overall, running a paperless office and utilizing cloud-based solutions like AWS WorkDocs to store and share documents are essential steps companies can take to promote environmental sustainability and reduce their impact on the planet. By adopting these practices, companies can help conserve natural resources, lower their carbon footprint, and promote more sustainable working methods.

Some interesting facts and statistics about environment and benefits of paperless office

  • According to a study by the Paperless Project, the average office worker uses around 10,000 sheets of paper per year.
  • The paper industry is the third largest consumer of energy, using approximately 4% of the world’s energy to produce paper.
  • The paper industry is also responsible for the release of a significant amount of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.
  • In the US alone, paper consumption has increased by 400% in the last 40 years.
  • By going paperless, a business can reduce its paper consumption by up to 60%.
  • A paperless office can also save a company up to 40% in printing costs.
  • According to a study by the World Wildlife Fund, paper production is responsible for the destruction of 27% of the world’s forests.
  • Digital document management can also increase productivity, with studies showing that employees can save up to 2.5 hours per week by eliminating paper-based processes.
  • The global paperless office market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 6.5% from 2020 to 2025.

Going Digital: How Our Paperless Office on AWS WorkDocs is Helping to Conserve Natural Resources

The environment is conscious!

Like many other companies, we wanted to run a paperless business, save the environment, money, and storage, and keep everything confidential and secure. An idea of a paperless office was born…

What is it?

A paperless office, also called a paper-free office, is a work environment which uses minimal physical paper and instead uses primarily digital documents. A paperless employee is a worker who has eliminated or greatly reduced the use of paper in the workplace.

A step at a time?

  1. Take a stand, make a decision, and commit to your objective.
  2. Get everyone on board – ‘We are going to be paper-free.’
  3. Downplay printing
  4. Decided on Digital Solution, and we have picked AWS WorkDocs.
  5. Organise Training, use all the functionality from day one
  6. Get Started Right the Right Way and File digitally.
  7. Encourage recycling and reuse.
  8. Enjoy the Benefits…

Saving Trees and the Planet: The Benefits of Running a Paperless Office on AWS WorkDocs

Artificial Intelligence and the Law: The Value Proposition for Modern Law Firm


What are the Benefits of Going Paperless?

  • Save an enormous amount of time. The time spent on filing, organising, and searching for paper documents. Can we use this time more productively?
  • Saves space
  • Saves money
  • Eases transfer of information
  • Promotes the envrionemt
  • Boosts security

Why Amazon WorkDocs?

Secure | Simple | Content Collaboration | in the Cloud

Once the paperless office idea was born, we realised we wanted something more than the initial scope.  We wanted an agile, scalable and cost-effective cross-group collaboration.
We needed a platform for our own use to share and collaborate within the company. At the same time, we can extend our environment to our 3rd party business partners and clients.

Amazon WorkDocs is a fully managed, secure content creation, storage, and collaboration service. We can easily create, edit, and share content, and because it’s stored centrally on AWS, access it from anywhere on any device. It makes it easy to collaborate and share content easily, provide rich feedback, and collaboratively edit documents. We have retired our legacy file share infrastructure and moved all file shares to the Cloud.
Most of all, the entire content is secured.

WorkDocs Benefits

  • Migrate your on-premise file servers and reduce costs significantly

  • Securely share with internal teams and external users in real-time.

  • Secure content in the Cloud

  • Integrate content into applications and processes

  • Extend desktop files to the cloud, access from a smartphone on the go

We haven’t looked back…

Technology is here; why not use it:) Working smarter

If you like the idea, please contact us, and we will tell you more about it with real examples. Gladly we expand the conversation on WorkDocs topics;

— Replace Costly Legacy File Shares

— Sharing and Collaboration Across all Teams

— Approval, review and input Workflows

— Application Extension and Integration with all you have

Ready to get started?

Efficiency | Accuracy | Automation | Innovation | Productivity | Competitive Edge | Cost-Effectiveness | Scalability | Personalisation | Paperless Office | Digital Document Managment | Cloud-based Storage | Environmental Sustainability | Reducing Paper Consumption | Saving Trees | Conservation of Natural Resources | Green Office | Eco-friendly Office | Digital Transformation | Paperless Workflows | Paperless Meeting | Paperless Invoice | Paperless Contract | Paperless Statement | Paperless File | Paperless Correspendence | Paperless Communication | Paperless Transaction | Paperless Banking | Paperless Healthcare | Paperless Education | Paperless Government | Paperless Society

Contact Us for more information, deploy Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, and learn how our tools can make your data more accurate. We can answer all your questions.

Please check our Landing Page for the full range of services in the B2B model – our sister portal – AIdot.Cloud | Intelligent Search Solves Business Problems

Intelligent Cognitive Search – Working AI Product that leverages AI and NLP to read and understand the most complex legal, financial, and medical documents to discover insightful information. The end user asks questions to find answers – like ChatGPT only for your internal data organisation.

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Please take a look at our Case Studies and other Posts to find out more:

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