18 | 04 | 2023

Move 37, played by AlphaGo

Unveiling the Mystery of Move 37: How a Controversial Move by AlphaGo Changed the Game Forever!


In 2016, AlphaGo, an artificial intelligence program developed by Google’s DeepMind, made a controversial decision in a high-profile match against Lee Sedol, one of the world’s top Go players. During the fourth game of the best-of-five series, AlphaGo made a move that was widely regarded as a mistake by human commentators but later turned out to be a brilliant move that led to AlphaGo’s victory in the game and, ultimately, in the series.

The move in question was move 37, played by AlphaGo in the middle of the board. At the time, commentators were puzzled by the move and thought AlphaGo had made a mistake. However, it turned out that move 37 was a brilliant move that allowed AlphaGo to gain an advantage and ultimately win the game.

The move was controversial because it showed that AlphaGo was capable of playing in ways that humans had not seen before and that its decision-making process was not always transparent to human observers. It also sparked a debate about the role of artificial intelligence in competitive games and raised questions about the future of human expertise in areas such as Go and other complex games.

Unlocking the Power of AI: How Machine Learning is Revolutionising Human Potential

Core Story – Can we learn from AI?

The development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a game-changer for many industries and fields of study, including gaming, machine learning, and data analytics. One of the most significant breakthroughs in recent years has been the discovery that humans can learn from AI and the realisation that AI can teach us things that we would never have thought of ourselves.

One prime example of this is the game of Go, which was considered by many to be too complex for computers to play at a high level. However, the development of AlphaGo, a machine-learning algorithm developed by Google’s DeepMind, proved that AI could play the game and create hundreds of thousands of new strategies that humans had never considered before. This breakthrough showed that AI could be an invaluable tool for human players, helping them to understand the game on a much deeper level and unlocking new possibilities for play.

But Go is not the only area where AI teaches humans new things. In data analytics, AI is being used to identify patterns and insights that humans might not be able to detect independently. For example, AI is used to analyse large datasets from the healthcare industry, helping researchers identify new treatments and cures for diseases. Similarly, AI is used in the finance industry to predict market trends and make better investment decisions.

Overall, the development of AI has shown that humans are missing out on many insights and possibilities that can be unlocked with the help of intelligent algorithms. By working together with AI, humans can learn new things, discover new strategies, and solve problems previously thought to be unsolvable. As we continue to develop more advanced AI systems, there is no telling what discoveries and breakthroughs we will be able to achieve in the years to come.

v500 Systems | enterprise artificial intelligence solutions

Beyond the Mundane: How AI is Elevating the Human Experience in Everyday Life

AI has the potential to assist in a variety of sectors and industries

Here are some examples:

  1. Healthcare: AI can help diagnose and treat diseases, as well as drug discovery and development. McKinsey & Company predicts that AI could have a potential annual value of $100 billion across the healthcare sector.
  2. Finance: AI can assist in fraud detection, risk management, and trading decisions. According to PwC, AI could add $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030, with financial services being one of the biggest beneficiaries.
  3. Retail: AI can help retailers to optimise their supply chains, improve customer experience, and personalise recommendations. According to Deloitte, AI could help retailers save up to $340 billion annually by 2022.
  4. Manufacturing: AI can improve the efficiency of manufacturing processes, reduce waste, and optimise supply chain management. According to Accenture, AI could add $14.2 trillion to the global economy by 2035, with manufacturing being one of the biggest beneficiaries.
  5. Energy: AI can help to optimise energy production and distribution, as well as to monitor and predict equipment failures. According to a report by the World Economic Forum, AI could help to reduce global energy consumption by up to 10% by 2040.

Overall, the potential applications of AI are vast and varied, and consulting firms are increasingly recognising the value of these technologies in a wide range of sectors. As AI continues to evolve and become more advanced, it will likely play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of many different industries.


In conclusion, the development of AI has opened up a world of new possibilities for humans to learn and grow in various fields, including gaming, machine learning, and data analytics. By working together with intelligent algorithms, humans can uncover new insights and strategies previously thought impossible. In areas of science, such as healthcare and finance, AI is helping researchers to identify new treatments and cures for diseases, as well as predict market trends and make better investment decisions. As we continue to develop more advanced AI systems, there is no limit to the new discoveries and breakthroughs we can achieve. The key is to embrace the potential of AI and work together with these intelligent systems to unlock new insights and solve complex problems.

v500 Systems | enterprise artificial intelligence solutions

From Diagnosis to Discovery: How AI is Transforming Healthcare for the Better


The Future is Here: How AI is Redefining What Humans Can Achieve and Accomplish

Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Human-AI Collaboration | Automation | Robotics | Healthcare | Finance | Manufacturing | Retail | Energy | Efficiency | Optimisation | Descision-Making | Insight Discovery | Productivity | Personalisation | Innovation | Data Analytics | Predictive Modeling | Natural Language Processing

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Please take a look at our Case Studies and other Posts to find out more:

Decoding the Mystery of Artificial Intelligence

Revolutionising Healthcare: How Artificial Intelligence is Making a Difference and Assisting the Sector

Unlocking the Hidden Treasure: How AI Empowers Organisations to Process the Remaining 99% of Unstructured Data in Documents

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Explainable AI (XAI); understand the rationale behind the results of AI and ML

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